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Saturday 5 June 2010

Excerpt from the soon to be published 'Fifth Gospel' - The Holy Grail of Joseph of Arimathea

The wind paused, the rumble grew quiet. In this sudden, otherworldly silence, Joseph was taken by a vision.

Clouds parted to allow a soft light to console the mother, who held her dead son. The world lay in hushed adoration of it. Even the moans and sobs of the women who had come to join them in their doings were now paused. Standing before this vision, holding the cup in his hand, a second realisation came. Joseph fell to his knees. Here was that image that he had seen in the heavens standing in his garden those months ago, but then it had taken the form of a slice of moon holding the dark disc of the sun! He looked to the cup and he looked to the mother in that light-radiance. He understood – mother and cup were one. For the mother held her Son, like the cup in Joseph’s hands held His blood!

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